The 10 commandments of truly healthy lifestyle

The 10 commandments of truly healthy lifestyle

1. Sleep 7-9 hours every night

2. Eat 80-90% whole foods

3. Move your body daily – include days of higher intensity activity (weight lifting or some conditioning) and days of active rest. Get some steps and mobility work in every day.

4. Go outside every day

5. Drink at least half your bodyweight (pounds) in ounces of water (e.g. 130 lbs person = MIN 65 oz water)

6. Learn to eat until satiated, not necessarily full (no overrestiction either though).

7. Eat 0.8-1.2g of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Consume sufficient amounts of fat to keep hormones healthy (roughly speaking a minimum of 0.3g per pound of bodyweight).

Fill the rest of your calories with carbs according to activity level and personal preference.

8. Supplement with what’s needed (Omega3 for example, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D)

9. Don’t mistake instant pleasure for long-term gratification – i.e. don’t let the things that you “crave” or that “sound so good” to you in an instant make you lose sight of what’s going to make you feel good in the long run…

10. Don’t take yourself or life too seriously. If something goes wrong – tomorrow is a new day. We are human, that means making mistakes. Make time for the things you enjoy doing, because in the end if you are not happy, neither will be your body.

If you would like to work with me online coaching is available.  Contact me to book a complimentary call.

I also run a free Facebook group for mature female cyclists where I share lots of tips for improving on hills, endurance, speed, power, health, strength and hormones. Here’s the link if you’d like to join:

‍Or if you’d like to see more info about the Online Cycling Transformation Program for Mature Females, where we transform your health, performance, enjoyment and longevity on and off the bike, here is that link: